Thursday, February 19

Can't please them all

I'm a little bothered now by the change Ebay made to the feedback system a while back. It seems that sellers cannot leave anything other than a positive feedback, no matter what. The buyers, however, can leave positive, neutral, or negative, and then there's also the star ratings. To Ebay, you need to have 5 stars, to remain a powerseller, you have to have a certain amount, or they remove you from the Powerseller program. So, why is it that lately I'm getting great feedback, but not so great stars? I had all 4.99, now it keeps going down. Is it so wrong of me to wonder why someone didn't think I charged a fair shipping amount, when they only paid .10 over the actual cost? That won't even cover the ink I used to print their postage. And don't get me started on shipping time. People seem to be confused on this one, they think I am the post office I guess. I ship when I get your payment, it goes out the following day, as long as there is mail that day. If it takes longer, it's because you took longer to pay! I'm hoping Ebay changes this soon, and for the better.

Tuesday, February 17

If you ever have the baby fever....

I know of one definate way to bring it to a complete halt. Spend one hour, yes just one, with my oh so lovely 2 year old daughter. She's usually not like this, but today she has been so moody, and it's just like a switch, going from stomping her feet to saying I love you, in an instant. Back and forth, whining, smiling, crying, giggling. Back and forth. Yikes! I'm hoping tomorrow is better!
I do have those thoughts of the baby days, when she was so teeny, wrapped up like a bundle, so easy to please. Back then I couldn't have imagined her being the big 2 year old she is now. *sigh*

Monday, February 16

what a deal!

If you go to CVS this week, pick up two bars of Neutrogena soap. They are 2.99 each, but when you buy 2, you get $10 extra bucks! Even better if you have coupons, though I don't think I have any. So, basically they are paying you to take the soap home. I think the limit is 1, unfortunately since this would be a good one for Ebay to sell as a lot if you had a bunch.

Monday Monday

I've always wondered how the weekend seems to go by so fast, when the rest of the week goes by so slow... Even with my husbands 3 day weekends, they still seem to fly by.
We had such a nice weekend, looking at houses mostly, and went out to dinner on Valentines Day at Olive Garden- my favorite! I'm not sure who likes that place more, me or Kaitlyn. She ate SO much! We had a nice waitress for once and the whole meal was just perfect!
we went to look at a house out in Murfreesboro. It's really nice, in a great neighborhood, has new carpet and hardwood, newly painted in nice colors, pretty much move in ready. It even already has a fenced in backyard. We weren't in love with the layout though, but were still keeping it on the list, until we went to leave. The people next door have a huge dog, standing up to the top of the fence barking like crazy. So, that killed it. We definitely don't want to hear barking all night long, and as much as we are outside, if that dog would be barking the whole time, it wouldn't be enjoyable. at all. So we crossed it off our list. The next one on our list, we were planning on seeing the inside one night this week, well I found out today they have a contract and 2 backup offers! Who said the housing market is slow? That's the third one they had a contract before we could even see it. Another one in Hunters Point had a contract right after it hit the market, so we missed it. It seems there are lots of big houses for sale like ours, and the smaller ones like 1800 sq ft are being bought up fast. I guess everyone is downsizing. We really just want all the bedrooms downstairs, and it's hard to find that in Smyrna or Murfreesboro for a good price and not a million years old or in an undesired neighborhood. Ah well, we will keep looking.
Oh and something funny Kaitlyn is saying lately is "hgtv dot com"

Thursday, February 12

Can she really be called a Mom?


I must say I'm not surprised that she will be getting even more food stamps and gov't checks. There are so many things wrong with this whole situation. I don't think it's about the number of children, though 14 is a lot of kids, it's more of the simple fact that she lives at home with her parents, hasn't had a job in some time, living off of welfare, and already has 6 children. It's already a not so stable environment for children, no Daddy around either. But now to bring 8 more into the picture, only to hire a publicist to help handle donations and all. How does CPS work? Do they think she is a fit mother? I do not. When she said she was getting paid to have those babies, she was right, and guess who is paying for it?
I'm sure people would line up to adopt those babies, I feel sorry for them.

Thursday, February 5

I can't believe this toy


I got one of these when Target had their huge toy clearance, so lucky for me, I only paid $2.48. I feel for anyone who paid any more than that though, it's such a piece of junk, needs to be somewhere like a dollar store. Pretty much a piece of cardboard you color with your teeny "pen" I opened the box yesterday and the puzzle is already warped from the water I guess, and won't even go together. This thing is a joke! It's going in my stuff to take to recycle.......

Tuesday, February 3

week one of selling our house

Well, we had our first request for a showing on Saturday. We patiently waited to hear something, anything. Then yesterday our realtor calls and says they loved it, and they have narrowed it down to our house and one other. She said they were so impressed with how neat and clean it was, and they thought it was perfect. So, who knows, since they have another, we have a 50/50 chance of getting an offer from them. So we will see. Today was a home tour, several realtors came in and looked around while we went up to Target. There was a house we were going to go look at tonight on Rennie (right by you Stephanie, if you're reading this) but they already have offers now and it's a short sale on top of that, so it won't last at that price. So, we're trying to just hang in there and keep looking and waiting. Oh and apparently the house next door to us dropped their price by 5k the day after our sign went up.