Monday, April 28

Just another manic Monday...

So we did our usual Monday routine, although my thrift store shopping was cut a little short since naptime was fast approaching, and Cheerios were running out. I did manage to find a few great items, several new with tags actually. I always wonder though, what do people think, I see them looking, eyeballing my cart of neatly folded, and stacked clothes of all sizes. I wonder if they think I have a buying problem, some sort of addiction? But then, when I see someone there with a ton of stuff I think uh-huh, they are going to sell that stuff. I need to start taking my camera with me, although I don't quite know what people would think if they saw me taking a picture, I do see some hilarious and strange things, I find myself thinking, hey I used to have one of those, was that mine? Another thought is why would someone donate that? You must know, some things are not even worthy of donating, or at least I would think so. If you have removed the arms and legs from your Barbie, as well as cut her hair off, shouldn't that be considered trash? Will someone actually pay money for that? If it says free sample in bold letters across the front, but has a .49 price tag on it, what about that? Don't get me wrong, I love thrift store shopping, and I guess you could say it is my job now, but some things are just odd that you see in there.
I guess I better get downstairs and get lunch going before Miss Kaitlyn wakes up from her nap. More to come later.

Wednesday, April 23

added to facebook test...

Just checking to be sure I did the feed right....

Early morning thoughts

Okay, so it's not so early morning, but if you are a Mom, you know that most days you are tired, even after sleeping all night. lol Pinky Dinky Doo is on and my hyper girl has already managed to make the living room look as though a small toy store exploded in here. I'm contemplating breakfast as well as what to do today. We really need to get out and hit a thrift store to see if we can find anything- we didn't do our usual Monday Goodwill trip, since she wasn't feeling well, and I didn't want to put her through that.
She loves looking out the windows- I wish I could know what's going through her little head when she is sitting there, staring out into the yard. To me, there's really nothing to look at out there, just grass, the occasional bird, a tree. What do her bright eyes see that I don't? Must be something there that I'm too busy to notice or appreciate.
On another note, I'd love to hear from other wahms, about what you do, and how you juggle kids and work. It's hard, harder than I though, and the bigger Kaitlyn gets, the harder it is. It was so simple when she would sleep most of the day, now I'm rushing to cram it all into nap time and here and there when I get the chance to get on the laptop, like now, while she's happily eating.
Off to clean up syrup from the highchair!