Thursday, January 29

could it be?

I've had something on my mind since yesterday.
Last night actually.
Time will tell....

(to be continued)

Wednesday, January 28

free Dr Pepper

Go to to sign up for your coupon to get a free 2 liter bottle or 20 oz bottle of Diet Dr Pepper. Easy enough!

another cold day

It has been so cold lately still, and doesn't seem to be getting any better any time soon. It makes it so hard to do anything fun when you can't play outside. Today we made cookies and I let Kaitlyn pick a movie to watch- of course guess what she picked? Rudolph! ha! I was ready to convince her to pick something else when she said "reindeer- I love it" So, Rudolph it was. I guess it could have been worse, luckily she didn't see Wall-e sitting there too, since we've seen that one way too many times.
I'm so proud of her. She can count all the way to 11, knows most of her colors (red, blue, orange, green, pink, yellow, or as she calls it yeddo.) She's my sweet, silly girl. I feel so lucky to have her.

Sunday, January 25

Here we go...again

We talked to Mrs. Kendra Cooke Friday, and after much thought about it, she is going to try to sell our house for us. We are so not looking forward to this, with the housing market the way it is, it probably will take a while, and I'm not very patient. Our very first house was so easy, it sold the first day of being on the market, so we didn't have to go through showings and open houses, etc. We were lucky I guess. There are now 3 other houses for sale on our street, we will be the 4th. The one at the end, he works at Nissan as well, so they are probably downsizing too, I would guess.
We can't help but wonder if turning down the buyout was a good idea now. Who has to make these kinds of decisions? Either you take 100k and don't have a job, and nobody with decent pay is hiring, or keep your job, constantly worrying if there will be a layoff, and never actually working a full 40 hour week anymore..... Ah well, things will work out, and it will all be just fine. It always is. I'm just trying to keep the nice happy thoughts in my head of a nice one level house-- no more stairs, please!
Pictures will be taken tomorrow for websites and the sign goes in the yard.......

Wednesday, January 14

Free Suave coupon today only!

Go to to sign up for a coupon to get a free Suave product, up to $3.00. This is today only, says coupon will be sent within 2-4 weeks.

Saturday, January 10

New CPSIA guidelines

The Consumer Product Safety Commission released new guidelines for resellers that will save many consignment stores as well as ebay sellers, such as myself. I'm happy about that part of it, but it's still unclear about the rest of it. What about jewelry makers, toy makers, bow makers, etc. I can't help but worry about my fellow wahm's who may be hurt by this. I haven't been selling bows as much because of a lack of time to actually make them, so it won't hurt me too badly. I'll still make Kaitlyn's bows, of course.