Tuesday, May 27

love the flowers

vacation tidbits

What a nice drive it was, so much shorter than going to Daytona. Kaitlyn did great, she only started to get a little bored when we had about an hour to go, but the Elmo dvd saved us there. At each rest stop, she was so excited to walk everywhere to point out each flower to us.
She loves water, we were at the pool every single day- there was no rain until the night before we were leaving, so we had the most perfect weather for her to have the most fun. When we weren't at the pool she was busy standing at the balcony sliding glass door, keeping an eye on the water, letting us know it was still there.
The beach was okay, I've always heard such great things about Destin's beaches, so I guess when I got there I was a bit disappointed. It seems the created a sand wall to stop the waves from coming up, leaving no place for Kaitlyn or any other toddlers to sit in the sand and have the water come up to them. I'm not sure why they did that, but she was content with her bucket of sand, bucket of water, and shovels. There was also lots of traffic, and not many traffic lights, which made it a pain to get around places when you have to do u-turns and wait forever to be able to go. We did have a fun time at the Gulfarium though. Kaitlyn loved it, clapping and laughing. She was intrigued by the dolphins, just like Mommy. Seeing that brought tears to my eyes.
Now we're back home, somewhat settled in, all unpacked, and I'm trying to get back into the swing of things. Kaitlyn has I think 3 molars coming and her gums are swollen, making her miserable. Poor baby, I hope they cut through soon!

Thursday, May 15

aaah vacation...sorta.

So, we leave on Saturday for our long awaited vacation, you know, the one we have saved all year for, since we got back from last year's Daytona trip. It seems to be so much work. Just the packing, don't forget this or that, must have books and Little People in the car, as well as dvds, maybe Bee Movie & Madagascar? Hopefully we will make it there okay, without getting lost. Mapquest is not the most reliable, but since we are going someplace we've never been, we have no choice.
I'm going to make an effort to get some work done next week, I've already uploaded a ton of pics, and am working on measurements and descriptions so I can list without the actual things in my hand. This week I've been spending naptimes getting things together to pack and well, doing nothing. Pretty boring, I'm so used to doing a milliona dn one things in that precious one hour time.
I hope Kaitlyn likes the ocean. Last year she hated it, didn't like the sound, didn't like the sand, nothing about it. So we ended up at the pool most of the time. But she's grown up a lot since then, we are hoping that she will be into it this year- maybe we can use of some of these sand toys and bury Daddy, he would LOVE that!

Thursday, May 8

What to do?

I've been forced to take a break since vacation is getting near, and I cannot have any auctions ending too close to when I will be out of town, since buyers do not read those types of things, and will assume I've stolen their money and kept their *insert item here* So, anyway, it's naptime, and I have nothing do with myself.... I'm just enjoying the silence and the rain hitting the windows outside. nice. Won't last too long though, I can hear Kaitlyn upstairs in her bed moving around, all over the place.
I've decided I will be taking my laptop and working a little while on vacation, at least putting on a few things so that I have items ending by the time I get back home, to keep the money coming, in a way.
I'm not sure what think about this earlier vacation. We usually go the first week of July, but Nissan has moved one week of shutdown to May, so we will see how it works out. I know I need a vacation!! Actually I need a nap. Miss Kaitlyn is waking up now, and will be starving for lunch, of course, so duty calls.

Saturday, May 3

Ebay ramblings...

So, here lately, I've been drawn to all the cute little skirts to buy, to resell. I love all the colorful patterns- the brighter, the better. It seems there are lots of them to be found at the places I shop, so I have probably 10 or so I need to iron and take pictures of. I've been finding a lot of Ann Taylor and Abercrombie, both good sellers, so I'm happy.
I think my best find lately has been the Wilton 3D pooh cake pan, though it still has until Monday, it's already done well over what I had expected. I'm always learning though, reading and researching, trying to figure out what sells better. I always wonder, what do people buy on Ebay? But really, in my experience, they buy anything you could imagine. So, what do I buy on Ebay? I tend to look for hard to find things, like adjustable waist jeans and shorts for my skinny tall baby, coupons- yes! coupons, and poly mailers for the stuff I sell. I guess I am officially addicted, ah well It could be worse...


Since when does a coffee table become dangerous? When you have a toddler it is! The lovely table I picked out because I loved the way it looked, the pretty wood color, shape of it, the drawers underneath, now I have started to hate it with a passion. I always worry Kaitlyn will fall and hit her head on the edge of it, but today she managed to fall and her chin hit it. I'm not sure if she bit her tongue or what, but her mouth was bleeding a little, making me worry that much more. Her teeth and mouth all looks okay now though, so hopefully no damage was done. Wobbly toddler mode is scary! Especially when she insists on being independent. She wants to do everything herself! aah my baby girl.......

Thursday, May 1

Free downloads of licensed software

This is a great site, the only thing is I sometimes forget to check it, the free software changes each day! Called Giveaway of the Day:


the wrath of Ralph Lauren!

I've heard of this happening with Ebay, you list what they consider to be too much of a certain brand name or type of item, they put a temporary hold on your account which brings up a lovely message when you try to list. Well, now it has happened to me. *sigh* Here I was on a listing spree, and I didn't think I had listed that many Ralph Lauren things this week, off the top of my head, I can only think of about 4-5? So now I'm waiting for the email that says I'm no longer on lockdown.... Who knew? And just when it's naptime and I'm doing good.
Aaah well.. at least the weekend is near, and it's sunny and nice. Maybe we can go play outside after lunch, I had thought of eating lunch outside, but there's no way my Kaitlyn would eat more than two bites if she had to deal with the distraction of being outside too, which she loves. There would be more food on the grass and deck than anything else, then I would have another thing to clean. Maybe I can snap a picture or two of my tulips, before they are gone.